Arriving in to Mbeya station for my third time, we are now reliably informed the train will be in at 10.20am. The smell of 300 sweaty bodies is almost over-powering inside. Sure enough by 10.30 the train pulls into the station - some 19 and a half hours behind schedule.

Second class is more than adequate although i do note that all the international travellers have opted for first class. Less than three hours into the journey and the engine breaks down. Another engine is called for, but takes some three hours to arrive. It at least provides an opportunity to stretch the legs and take The Beast out.
We eventually hit the rails again, but Dar Es Salaam seems a long way away. There is a restaurant car with some reasonably priced although rather bland food is served up.
He scenery is fairly dramatic. First there are plains with a mountain backdrop, before passing through Selous Game Reserve where I spot antelope and warthog along the track. A couple of hours before our arrival into Dar the parched landscape becomes lush and green.

We eventually arrive into Dar at 1.30pm some 23 hours behind schedule. If you are in hurry or need to make a connection this journey is not for you and you are better off taking the 12 hour bus. However, despite the delays, for me this journey is awesome.
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