Monday, April 18, 2011

Sedar Night

Sedar Night is the traditional meal that begins the “celebration” of Passover (Pesach). It tells the story of Jewish slavery in Ancient Egypt, although as previously mentioned on this blog there was no slavery during the time of ancient Egypt.

According to the Old Testament, freedom was achieved through God’s implementation of 10 plagues.
1. Water changing to blood
2. Frogs
3. Lice
4. Swarms of flies
5. Pestilence on cattle
6. Boils
7. Hailstorms
8. Locusts
9. Complete darkness for three days
10. Death of Egyptian first-borns

How sick is this list i ask rhetorically? If you wanted a “God” to follow would you choose a loving and kind one or a sick, nasty and vengeful one?

It’s a long and boring night ahead as i join David and his wife Tsvia, their 2 children (Yelibum and Avi) and 5 grandchildren, but David tells me to bring my MP3 player and computer, and i can leave the table whenever i wish.

Sedar Night marks the start of Pessach (Passover) where there is a huge list of “forbiddens” (chametz) to observe. I have been busy in the supermarket stocking up on all my faves.

I'll bring along The Beast and i may try an indoor photo-shoot of the event...if i don't fall asleep or cause offense.

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