Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sedar Night Photo Special

Uncle David leads the service

Sedar Night with David and family was certainly an experience. Fortunately the ceremonial business was not too long with pretty much every adult taking turns in the readings, Yours Truly exempted.

Cousin Daniella reads from the Hagadah

Husband Dani shares the reading with their eldest son Decal

It is also a night for drinking wine in abundance, with the ceremony requiring the drinking of four cups in one shot.

David’s wife Tsvia is known for her culinary magic as well as her hospitality. From a Moroccan background, her food reflects her ethnicity. With the five grandchildren not eating (well only desert candies), the 16 dishes prepared seems ridiculous, but there is enough stuff for every visitor to take home huge doggy bags. Dishes included chicken casserole, minced meats and artichoke, pepper salads, meatballs, green salad and roasted potatoes with mince.

Cousin Avi oversees the groaning table

I eat to bursting point and then some more, and not even a night walk around Ra’nana can relieve the bloated stomach. The doggy bag means i won’t need to buy anything for the next few days.

worried that i'll fade away, Auntie Tsvia prepares me a pre-Sedar snack - matzo (unleavened bread) and cheese. Bread is banned for the next seven days

The kids feast on the sugary stuff and run round the flat frenetically.

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