Thursday, April 7, 2011

Middle-East Madness

In fairness, Syria wasn’t originally on my list of countries to visit on this trip.

However, having spoken to fellow travellists, many told me if i was going to be in Jordan i simply MUST DO Syria. I have heard that Damascus is simply sensational and P. writes to make sure i make it up to Aleppo. And of course there is the beauty of the Ancient Roman city of Palmyra that Elizabeth tells me is amazing.

My Finnish friend Dave wrote to me a couple of weeks putting me in contact with a tweeter in Damascus and warning me of the current atrocities taking place, and the stories are shocking. I then a telephone call from Pa confirms that now is not the time for a vacation to Syria. Poor Pa is adamant about this.

I am sorely disappointed, but put this trip on hold and look at alternative border crossing options from Jordon to Israel instead.

Editor's Edition: A further 40 protestors are shot dead over the weekend.

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