Gemsbok usually live in herds of about 10 - 40 animals, which consist of a dominant male, a few non-dominant males, and females. They often live in association with zebras, gazelles or other antelopes. The female's horns may be curved but the male's are thicker and parallel. Male gemsbok have been known to gore attacking lions with their horns.
There are two types of gemsbok: a northern and southern variety. The northern gemsboks have black-fringed ears while the southern ones have longer horns and more rounded ears – as photographed by me.

Gemsbok have an average shoulder height 1 metre, 20 centimetres and can weigh up to 200 kilogrammes.
The oryx is the national symbol for Namibia.
Same crappy tents as in the Tanzania and similar animals. Different type of wildebeest, however, and that is significant!