Friday, February 12, 2010

Multilingualism and Yiddish

Using my BS mastery, in my dissertation I argue that we are all multilingual. Whether it is for my French exam at 16, thanking my Hong Kong cab-driver in Cantonese, or sending basic Spanish messages to Colombian friends, even though I have barely mastered English, I am multilingual.

Since returning to the parental home, I reacquaint myself with Yiddish – a High German language of Ashkenazi origin. More can be found at Wikipedia.

It sounds somewhat harsh, but I like its onomatopoeic qualities, and meanings can be interpreted just from its mere sound.

The Late great Grannie Hamburger (for real) told me her parents would use Yiddish when they didn´t want her and her siblings to know what they were talking about, but of course they quickly learned to translate.

Boy uses Yiddish sporadically, and even Nic, my lapsed Catholic sister-in-law, bravely has a stab at this somewhat antiquated language.

Ma´s cousin Paula sends this cool website to help beginners in the Yiddish language.

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