So were you impressed by Miss Tibet? Based on aesthetics (subjective i know), i wasn´t at all.
A walk around town or even a visit to my next door neighbour, offers more perfect examples of Tibetan beauty.
A few romances do occur between international travellists and the Tibetan community in exile.
I have previously posted about relationships between Western women and Tibetan monks; according to Sarah McDonald in Holy Cow, about 60 – 80 defrock due to the ardent attention given by Western “Buddhist” women. But of course physical love is not limited to the clergy.
There are several Tibetan men married and with children to Western women that live in the village. I also see a few Tibetan women with Western males (almost exclusively student with English teacher), holding hands in the street, but few of these relationships seem to last long.
Bear with me please, for i need to take a jump here.
I´m used to a wide variety of livestock that live around my bedsit; chickens and goats predominantly, with the occasional donkeys and ubiquitous cows . Recently i noticed some new black goats. They´re absolutely huge, resembling more South American Llamas.
Yesterday, heading to the Dalai Lama Temple kora i come across these goats again. Squatting on the side of Jogiwara Road are a local farmer, his wife and a child about 4 or 5 years old.
The man is about my age, thickset, and with a monstrously bushy moustache, puffing on a shrivelled bidi.
His wife, probably in her mid 30s is probably the most beautiful woman i have ever set eyes on – literally breath-taking. She radiates beauty from every single pore. Her complexion is picture perfect with an almost ethereal glow, and she is enveloped in a sensual crimson sari with silver trim.
Their expressionless faces follow me as i stride down the road with my MP3 blaring.
As i draw up level, their boy stands up, beams a beautiful smile and salutes me. I return his salute and both he and his mother are delighted. I have my camera with me, but feel frozen by her intense magnificence to take a picture of her. Bloody drats!!! I hate to lose photographic opportunities and i kick myself at this wasted moment.
Having now written this up, i realise it becomes somewhat a lame posting. However you can bet your bottom dollar i´ll get a photo of her in my last 20 days in The Ganj.
Editor´s Addition: The llama-like goats have disappeared as did my Goat-woman. I reckon her husband clearly felt threatened by my adoring eyes on his wife. Double Drats! Lol
Every single pore! Dream on. There are thousands you will never get to see. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhere did the photo come from?
You don´t think i got a chance then?
ReplyDeleteThe photo was a download rather than an original i´m afraid. Been carrying my camera around alot, but the woman and her goats have mysteriously vanished