Saturday, September 5, 2009


Over the course of recent years, my mother has become more socially and politically conscious. Her latest fad is Professor Richard Dawkins, a positivist, scientist and lecturer at Oxford University, and author of “The God Delusion.”

As a committed atheist of many years and aware of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution since primary school, I cannot see why there has been such a fuss made of his work.

My mother however comes from a religious Jewish background and thus his “revelations” have caused her to question her fundamental belief system. Her ideas of creationism and a belief in Yahweh have been completely eradicated, and she is now on a mission to convert all the family and friends to atheism, causing some anxiety in the process. After all, faith and reason are polar opposites with surely only one winner?

Hong Kong Kev passed me a copy of “The God Delusion” and during my time in UK we were watching some of “The Richard Dawkins Collection” on DVD.

I do like his somewhat more feisty interviews and attacks on the religious and “alternative healers” (assisted by those outrageous eyebrows of his), and makes for interesting TV. You often wish he´d push a little further.

I found it quite interesting however that Dawkins´ use of language is very similar to those of the lessons I have attended by the Dalai Lama. After all, Buddhism is all about finding the truth, HHDL is well known for his scientific approach.

To be honest, I don´t see what all the fuss is about. Apart from the fact that Dawkins, an Oxford don, has got his own TV series. Darwinism is pretty well-cemented on school curricular around the World. Let people draw their own conclusions.

Editor´s Addition: Ma would like to add the following statement:
I should also mention that I haven’t tried to convert the rest of the family to atheism because, just like everybody else, I don’t know the real truth. However, I do think Dawkins is very logical and I go along with what he says, but I would stress that I am still very “Jewish” and in fact just as he describes himself as a Cultural Christian, I would describe myself as a Cultural (or ethical) Jew! All the Jewish codes of practice and different festivals are still very important to me (as I hope they are to you) and I would always stand up and be counted.


  1. Dawkins is a militant atheist. he make a lot of good points about organised religion, but it doesn't mean that he has no sense of wonder about the universe.

    He is more interesting than the DL!;)

  2. Dawkins´ is a positivist - do any of them have a sense of wonder? I personally find all positivists are a bit anal. But that´s just me.
    I was trying to find some lit he´d done on Buddhism, but can find nothing on it. Dawkins v. HHDL? Now wouldn´t that be interesting?
