Saturday, April 10, 2010

When The Boat Comes In

Unbelievably, our much anticipated boat from Miami has finally been able to dock at the wharf. Whilst waiting to off-load its cargo, several of the crew express an interest in coming to visit.

In tow with us yesterday, we have the ship´s doctor, who agrees to give every child a general medical, and the ship´s chef who agrees to bring cans of buffalo meat and his special homemade BBQ sauce for a barbecue.

Both are busy throughout the morning.

One of the major problems the doctor notes is that many of our children suffer from heavy congestion. This is due to all the dirt and dust that hang in the air over Port au Prince - the city is completely filthy. Short of passing out masks to the kids, the best Dr. Rich can offer is Tylenol and Motrin. He also suggests adding a little honey and lemon to the tea in the morning.

Dr. Rich checks out Anderson - our youngest kid at the ophanage

medication time for Rachelle

Chef Robert does us proud with the barbecue and we all eat to bursting point, not least myself, who has grown somewhat fatigued with the staple Haitian diet of beans and rice.

Chef Robert performs magic in the kitchen

The ship´s owner arrives a little later, and, like myself, is deeply touched by what is being done for the kids in such frugal of circumstances. He shares some ideas and plans, and the future of Diakonos looks so much brighter if these plans can materialise. I may be here in Haiti for one more week, but i will be in regular contact with my new Haitian family, even when i´m on the road.

our Happy Family with our Guests of Honour

Editor´s Addition:
I´m humbly grateful to ship-owner´s wife who possesses a coffee machine - my first cups since 24th March. Despite the fact they have no sugar, it tastes like heaven. Thank you xxx

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