Meeting up with Discy Dave and Jaq, they both show concern for my well-being in Haiti and remind me all too clearly what awaits in this devastated region.
It sounds inhuman, but one can become desensitized to poverty.
In India alone, I have seen dead babies eaten by dogs, beggars by the cart-load, victims of the horrific elephantitus, polio, and leprosy. Hell! Sometimes I just hang out in slums for the fun of it!
Working as the teacher rep of a school´s charity committee in Bogotá, I got involved in building and developing a school in the shanty town slums in the South of the city – getting to places probably no other gringo has seen and got back alive to say he had got there. Some pics can be found of this project by clicking here.
Jaq asks if I will take some photos. Surely it is my duty to document what I see, and my photography stuff is so much better than my writing skills.
I am predicting the hardest part will be to leave Haiti for a school inspection in the Dominican Republic beginning in mid-April.
Both Ma and Jaq request me to bring a Haitian baby back for them, but, as i told them upfront, the answer is "No!"
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