Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Some Pearls From M.

Whilst checking out a much-acclaimed “Best pizza restaurant in the World” in neighbouring Dharamkot, I got talking to M..

M. is a long-haired local who owns a guest house and three slate mines in the area. He shares several “pearls” with me.

“Farengi” is a term used to describe British citizens only. “More ignorant Indians use the phrase to describe all foreigners”.

Calcutta was named so when a Colonial type asked a local what the area was called. Thinking the colonist was admiring the lawn, the villager responds “Calcutta” - translated as “it was cut yesterday!”

Dharamcot is a very clean village. “Why? Because there are no Punjabis and no Israelis here”

It gets worse.

M.informs me the Tibetans will only get the vote in the world´s largest democracy if they take out Indian citizenship. “They won´t because they will lose their there social handouts. Even though most of them are working!”

It is the first time I have noticed any hostility between the Tibetan community and the Indian locals. Local Indians clearly benefit from the money that travellers bring due to the strong Tibetan presence in Dharamsala.

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