Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wistfullness and Serendipity in the Village

I am becoming increasingly aware that after 15 months my time in McLeod Ganj is coming to an end.

Whilst i have had itchy feet to head to my mammoth African adventure, I know i´m going to miss McLeod Ganj big time. Warm, sunny and dry conditions prevail, and now the Dalai Lama teachings are over, all is quiet and unhurried in the village.

Even when i´m having a difficult time, either emotionally bleakness or with study hassles, my life here is full of magical experiences which i endeavour to appreciate to the full.

I have blogged before about the musical brilliance of Kristin Hersh. One particular track “Krait” is currently a huge favourite and has been playing constantly for the last two weeks on my MP3 player. I´m blasting it on my regular kora around the Dalai Lama´s back garden, when one of the residents of the nearby Jambalang Home for Elders greets me on the path with the exchange of the traditional Tibetan “Tashi Dilek” and indicates he wants to listen. I turn down the volume (for it really is blasting) and pass it over to him.

My new found friend must be well into his 70s with classic wizened features and crusty wrinkled old high-altitude skin. He plugs the headphones into his ears, immediately his eyes lighten and his eyebrows rise up. He is clearly delighted at what he hears. His smile spreads from ear to ear, and he jigs about like a young animated lepricorn on LSD. Another Hersh convert. His happiness is totally infectious.

I´m busy sorting through my stuff and selecting just a few choice items to send back to the UK for storage. My dissertation should be completed in draft by the end of December, and I am likely to head to UK to seek support for the 4000 word data analysis and conclusions. It will also enable to catch up with my parents who will be resident in Nice during the winter months. If all goes to plan I will fly out to Israel in January as the starting point of my 12+ month over-land African trip. You can download Krait and other tracks from her cyber project, Speedbath by clicking here.

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