Sunday, April 5, 2009

An Indian Hero - Arundhati Roy: An Ordinary Person´s Guide to Empire

Arundhate Roy has been an interesting find – and I am indebted to Shirley for sharing this classic with me.

Probably best known for her Booker Prize winning novel, “The God of Small Things,” she writes poetically even in her non-fiction work. Her 14 assorted essays compiled in this tome is very much in the vain of Noam Chomsky with a more global perspective. Concerned about the globalisation of India, including the privatization of all amenities, Roy offers scathing poetic attacks on all and sundry. Indeed, Chomsky writes in the introduction to the book whilst she devotes an article to Chomsky worship.

Roy´s comments in the aftermath of Mumbai caused particular outrage, including a vicious disclaimer by Salman Rushdie. Roy regularly speaks out against India, most notably Kashmir, the privatisation of utilities, dam builders and religious intolerance that still regularly occurs in the world´s “largest democracy”.

Roy appears to identify “Empire” as anyone who oppresses another and she warns takes many forms, including US Government, any government, World Monetary Fund, rich people and even NGOs (who perpetuate the myth of White Man helping poor brown brothers.

Roy is a supporter of all oppressed minorities including Chechnya, Kashmir, Tibet and Palestine; she must be a spot-on person.

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